Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursdat, August 4, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I was back at it this morning along with my mother at St. Elizabeth hospital’s oncology-hematology department on a Thursday because my oncologist was out of town for my usual Monday visit. I got some very, very good news as the CT imaging from yesterday showed that the largest lesion on my brain had shrunk from 3.9 cm’s to 1.5 cm’s and no signs of anything or very, very little on my liver and adrenal gland. This shows that the chemotherapy- Gemzar is working very well for me. This is all very encouraging news but I am back at it on Monday, August 8th for another dose of 800 mg of Gemzar.
But, I have an awesome window of relief planned as I will be returning to the Cape for 4 days on that Monday. The summer is slipping away quickly so I hope to squeeze out as much sun & surf time as possible!!!
Jake’s summer job is over so he (his grandmother) is preparing him for UMass and getting all of his college gear together. He is due at college on September 1st and he has a natural mix of feelings - exciting anticipation with a bit of first year anxiety. I think I will be making the trip to Amherst to help get him settled in.
I hope you all are enjoying your summer and I will be back in touch soon.

I am thinking and living positively!

With much love!

p.s. Go Red Sox!!!!!

my piggies in the sand


K Popienko said...

Hello Brenda,

It is me K, son of the drama queen.
I'm pleased to hear the good news and hope that the lesions continue to dwindle.
Have Mr. Russian Man call me to let me know if and when I should visit, it all depends on how you feel.
I can also take a look at your blog and do some design for it if you wish.

Best Wishes,

Unknown said...

Just borrowing your little piggies for my post -
Hope you are better and still thinking positively! Thanks!